Nadine and Uwe Kloska have been appointed as Entrepreneurs of the Year

For the 31th time, the Bremen chapter of „Die Familienunternehmer-ASU“ and „Die Jungen Unternehmer-BJU“ in cooperation of Sparkasse Bremen awards the prize „Bremer Entrepreneur of the Year”. As part of the Entrepreneurship Gala, the award has already been awarded for the 16th time in the FinanzCentrum of Sparkasse Bremen. Franca Reitzenstein, ASU chairman of the Bremen Regional Council and Dr. Heiko Staroßom, Member of the Board of Management of Sparkasse Bremen, presented the coveted steering wheel to the proud winners.

Two family entrepreneurs received the “Bremer Entrepreneur of the Year” award this year: Nadine and Uwe Kloska, managing directors of the Kloska Group. An impressive success story was achieved: from a single technical equipment supplier to a group with 20 companies.

Franca Reitzenstein held the laudation for the Kloska family and explained the reasons for the selection: “The Entrepreneurs of the Year are father and daughter who lead one of the most successful family company in Bremen, who have initiated a successful successor process, who are exemplary in their entrepreneurship and they have impressed us with their down-to-earthness and modesty.”

Kloska Short-Facts

800 + employees in the entire group
30 locations
8000 ships are supplied by us every year
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