We are your system supplier and service partner for shipping and shipyards, on-/offshore, industry, handicraft and construction industry.

The KLOSKA group was established in 1981 in Bremen by Uwe Kloska as a technical ship chandler. He still runs the group together with his daughter Nadine.

We are a family-run business with a strong focus on tradition and forward thinking. Honesty, reliability, trust and respect characterize the values of our corporate culture. Lean management structures and fast decision processes determine our every day business.


We round off our standard services with a large number of attractive specialized services. At our facilities we keep approximately 130.000 different products and items on stock.

Our standard service includes delivery on short notice, 24-hours service and just-in-time delivery as well as a professional, individual and personal service on site. It is of most importance to us to establish a long lasting customer relationship on a fair and solid basis.

No way is too far for us.

Kloska Short-Facts

30 locations
800 + employees in the entire group
8000 ships are supplied by us every year

Service-oriented & secure

Convince yourself of our expert advice with the best safety promise for our extensive product range and our efficient logistics concept.

Notfall 24h emergency number +49(0)421 - 61802 19
Schnelle Lieferung Fast deliver worldwide
to any location
Sicher Secure